Outreach Visits

We’ve been out visiting people we want to invite to share something on The Stage of Possibility, to introduce ourselves and find out what they’d like to bring to it and how we could support them to do that. This included a trip to see crystal healer Natalie in her shop 3 Witches Place, a zoom with local folk singers The Coaltits, a visit to see Tom at Moira Furnace, joining Sam and co for a Gresley Colliery Band rehearsal and a trip to Coalville Can community hub.

We’ve been sharing some of our work in the gallery at Coalville Can over the past year and really wanted to invite the director, Deana, to come to Timber and share something on our stage. She showed us round their community spaces – and talked us through some of the things they do providing spaces and support for good stuff to happen.

They also run a workshop called Possibility Thinking – just perfect for our Stage of Possibility!  We’ve booked them!


Many thanks to our funders this year. The Stage of Possibility project was made possible with support from Arts Council England, The Heritage Fund, Community Lottery Fund, Derbyshire County Council, The National Forest and East Midlands Airport Community Fund.